mercredi 15 septembre 2010

Water(melon) Jar

More juicy creations here

vendredi 25 juin 2010

Boogers - Lost my Lungs

A song for a happy friday

Work of french director Alexandre Saltiel. All shots ©2010 Alexandre Saltiel

vendredi 18 juin 2010

Jan Garbarek & Trilok Gurtu at the Parc Floral - Paris

Last Sunday was the first day of the Paris Jazz Festival at the Parc Floral. For the opening of the festival, everything was just perfect: sunny but not too hot, not very crowded, the sound was just fine...

This is Komplot!

Komplot is a design company based in Denmark. It was created by designers Poul Christiansen and Boris Berlin.  

One of their works that really called my attention is the Nobody chair collection. 

lundi 7 juin 2010

What to see in Iceland?

This video is from the website Inspired by Iceland and I really recommend it, even if you're not planning any trip to Iceland.

You can listen to Icelandic music (I really liked Bloodgroup and their song My Arms) or even watch live some sites from webcams. Special attention to the strange Blue Lagoon, a natural thermal spa.

Got inspired?

vendredi 4 juin 2010

Born Ruffians - What To Say

From the Canadian group Born Ruffians. Perfect for this sunny Friday here in Paris. What else to say?

Wishing you all a great weekend!